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The Transgender Woman Who Brutally Killed A Man After Watching A Netflix Documentary

The Transgender Woman Who Brutally Killed A Man After Watching A Netflix Documentary This case is as ...View More

Trump vs Biden: Debate EXPOSES How Much The US President Impacts the Economy

In this excerpt from SOSCAST, Adam is joined by a group of seasoned financial experts to discuss the ...View More

Cinderella, Glass slippers and if the shoe doesn't fit don’t wear it | Carolyn Jawahar | TEDxKCG

Are you positively affecting a change in the life of LGBTQ+? Yes, whenever you stop your friends fro ...View More

My Gay Life | Queer Coming Out Documentary Filmed over 7 Years! | We Are PRide

Filmed over 7 years, this unique documentary follows Billy as he deals with how his homosexuality is ...View More

From Darkness to Illumination: A Queer Feminist’s Journey of Empowerment  | Dian Dian | TEDxEmory

Drawing from Dian Dian's personal experiences and academic research, their talk will explore the int ...View More

Semi di futuri possibili: la diversità come opportunità collettiva | Cecilia Felici | TEDxPantano

Partendo dai limiti che stanno tutt'ora caratterizzando la nostra emancipazione come donne e dall'es ...View More

Be Strong Like A Woman: Redefining Strength Beyond Gender | Nilanjana Bhowmick | TEDxIMTGhaziabad

Ms. Bhowmick tackles a non-mainstream topic, determined to reshape societal narratives. Illustrating ...View More

The cost of menstrual shame

Kayla-Leah Rich is trying to connect, educate, and empower women and girls around the world by break ...View More

Women in Economics - Redefining Success | Faiza Sultana | TEDxUniversity of Birmingham Dubai

The field of economics faces gender disparities with only 32% of undergraduates being women, accordi ...View More

The Solidarity of Womanhood | Jessica Nibbelink | TEDxNWC

Purity culture is a movement predominantly seen in the evangelical branch of Christianity that focus ...View More

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